Thursday, January 15, 2015

El Torta singing soleá.

This is the first of what I hope a permanet serie of post by wich we explained a letra from great singers of flamenco.

These are not scores or tablatures. Are transcriptions of the song and how it machs in compás, but they migh be not musically accurate. It just a tool for English speakers that love flamenco and want to know how it is sung. 'Compas' is alwars refered to flamenco compás conception.

We start with 'El torta' and his soleá. El Torta sings here a fantastic quiet and slow solea. We transcribe the first letra that he sings with 10 (one marked as 0, starting in the previous 1,2 ) compases. In the third compas El torta is in silence and the guitar carried out a falseta.

Thanks great master!

The first letra is as follows

Standar Spanish versión.
En un rincón de mi casa,
Al ladito de mi madre,
allí le cuento mis penas
y no se las cuento a nadie.

Andalusian Spanish

En un rincon de mi cassa
y al laito de mi mare
y allí le cuento mis penas
y no se las cuento a naide.

English translation.

In a corner at my home
close to my mother
I tell her my hardships
I don't tell others of them.

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